Wedding Suzani from Uzbekistan

180,00 incl. VAT

The Uzbek suzanis of the late Soviet era were created either by artisanal kolkhozes or individually at home to commemorate special events and holidays. Suzanis—Central Asian embroidered covers and wall hangings—are for the most part decorated with oriental patterns and stylized floral motifs. Those made by the kolkhozes break all the rules of Islamic art regarding the representation of living beings: they depict naturalistic images of human beings and animals, such as birds or squirrels, women embroidering, and couples getting married. There are even full-body portraits of women in ikat miniskirts from this period. These hand-embroidered objects, with traditional motifs and interpretations, can be charming, light, and vivacious, and one can easily see that the women who embroidered them knew how to use their artisanal skills freely.

Many of the suzanis from the collectives were made to commemorate special events, such as International Worker’s Day on May 1st, Labour Day, International Women’s Day on March 8th, October 10th for the Bolshevik Revolution, or May 9th, when Nazi Germany surrendered to Soviet troops at the end of World War II. There are also numerous suzanis with portraits of Lenin, marvelous examples of politically inspired folk art. Less politically influenced but just as beautiful are the suzanis made for private purposes. These works celebrate public holidays and festive occasions, like wedding suzanis with portraits of the bride and groom. Unfortunately, this tradition no longer continues.

Needlework by hand, IV quarter 20th century Size: 1,08 m  x 0,8 m

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Weight 0,3 kg