Kantha quilt from Bangladesh

120,00 incl. VAT

Traditionally, Bengali women of all castes and religions practiced Kantha-making. It is a unique textile medium that countless generations of women in Bengal have used to express their innermost thoughts and beliefs. The etymology of the word “Kantha” is a bit confusing. The Hindi definition identifies it as “rags and patches” and as a covering worn by jogis and faquirs. These people often lived with only  one piece of cloth, which served as clothing, bedding and shawl. Above all, the Kantha is for domestic and personal use, and is made from old pieces of cloth and recycled threads. But Kantha-making was always also a kind of ritual, where every stitch becomes a prayer and each motif carries a specific meaning.

The construction of the quilt is made with a simple running stitch that secures the layers of rags. Here, traditional white bengali sari made from unbleached cotton or silk was preferred. Decorative patterns are first traced onto a fabric panel. A variety of stitches – darning stitch, satin stitch, loop stitch and stem/split stitches – are then applied to render the geometric designs. The Kantha symbols are a mixture of religious, ancient and everyday motifs of modern life, indicative of Indian culture, where ancient and contemporary society are seamlessly integrated. One of the most important subjects is the Tree of Life, a favorite motif for many Indian textiles. The fertility of nature is one of the main aspects, representing the universe and the celebration of a never-ending life through nature’s cycles of life, death, and regeneration. The tree is a metaphor for physical as well as spiritual life.

These small Kanthas were given as presents to a newborn child, charged with love. The old layers of textiles are believed to protect the child from all evils and the embroideries are thought to give the child strength due to their creative energy. Next to the Tree of Life with its striped leaves, flowers in full bloom, along with roundel-like flowers or betel leaves act as auspicious symbols related to fertility.

Size: 0,66x 0,40 m

Second half 20th century

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